Support & FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions
7 Questions about learning difficulties or a psycho-educational assessment.
What else could be the source of my child’s learning difficulties?
How can a Psychologist help?
A psychologist can conduct an assessment to investigate cognitive abilities and academic skills and behaviours, providing a comprehensive written report with test results, findings (such as a diagnosis for a Specific Learning Disorder or Attention Deficit Disorder, if warranted), and school and home recommendations and strategies for ongoing learning support.
How can Purple Giraffe Psychology help? What to Expect.
At Purple Giraffe Psychology, your child will meet with a highly experienced, qualified and friendly psychologist, focussed on helping them feel comfortable in the assessment situation, and focused on their well-being throughout. An assessment will take approximately 2 ¼ hours, with a mid-session (approximately) 10-minute‘ brain break’, ‘re-charge’ the battery to focus on the second part of the assessment.
What to expect in an assessment with Purple Giraffe Psychology.
If you or your child’s school have concerns about your child’s academic progress and/or learning difficulties, Purple Giraffe Psychology would be honoured to help you in investigating your concerns.
Should you wish to know more about how to support your child in the classroom with their ongoing education, please contact Purple Giraffe Psychology via the form or information located on the contact page.